22 juin 2006


Errr... sorry for this long silence...

The trip to Cachan was not exactly a nice trip a posteriori since none of us passed the exam... :-( Next year everybody in Lyons then. Eric you will not be alone maintaining your blog! Otherwise, a few people might feel tempted to say I'm a little bit biased with the Londoners... To compensate, this is a pizza from Cachan evenly cut into 7 parts, for 3 people :

Then, after crossing the Chanel once more, rendez-vous in the rear garden for the ball of Garden & Weeks. No more champagne when I arrived. Basically, it was an evening in a restaurant followed by a party. It was funny to see everybody in a more or less formal attire. In the next picture, the people with whom I spent most of my time chatting, cooking, eating,... Now they are almost all gone, and I feel so lonely...

On Monday, there was a trip to the Royal Opera House in Convent Garden (le nozze di Figaro). Great!

My roommate flew to India some time ago. Our last achievement is the recycling of tins. Indeed, we had to wait till a few months ago to have paper and glass recycled in the hall. And no tin recycling, so sad! So we had to store them somewhere. I offer English jelly to whoever finds the number of tins (±5 unit tolerance) we have collected --and eaten-- in less than 6 months... A few buildings:

and the final destruction just before they were moved out :

Please, don't ask me how I got up there and neither by what miracle it resisted so many things but a football ball... ;-)

BTW, apart from if you live in some dark, noise-reducing basement talking only to rats, you might be aware that some people are playing football and that it might be something interesting. There are so many English flags, and they are so patriotic!

London? Fish'n chips and pubs!!?? Well... of course! but there are also some well-spread brands.

Asking your way? At the second Tesco, turn left, and then walk strait ahead till you reach the Starbucks...

No a lot of chemists, rather plenty of Boots:

Read «French Connection UK» (you ***, have you ever seen typos in brand names????):

London and its cabs and red double deckers... With the £8 congestion charge, there are not a lot of cars anyway...

Oh, I was going to forget about limos:

Now, one of the best price for food ratio, please welcome the noooodles. (Those pictured were among the most expensive):

I have to finish this post now but please don't go to London for music day (that is the «Fête de la musique», in French s'il vous plaît). It was localised in Exhibition road only, organised by the vincinity (IC, V&A, Institut Français,...) and quite poor. At midnight everything was over.

Next post I'll do it in Fisher hall if I have a internet connection, since this hall will become a hotel for the summer period in two days...

See you!

06 juin 2006

Exams over

Cette semaine, j'ai pas grand'chose à dire si ce n'est que les exams sont finis, le dernier étant fidèle aux précédents... Le stage recommence tranquillement.
Seule attraction de la semaine : le Beau temps. Ah oui, là le décompte des grands jours de beau temps du début jusqu'au soir vient presque de doubler, tout en restant inférieur au nombre de doigts que l'on a en moyenne. Fait miraculeux, le barbecue de dimanche a eu lieu sous le soleil ! Le nombre de homards dans les rues à augmenté subitement, avec une progression phénoménale dans les parcs. Bref, il a fait beau ! presque toute la semaine, ce qui permet quand même d'aller visiter les musées du quartiers quand il pleut. Faut pas déconner non plus, ici c'est l'Angleterre, pas la méditérannée, hein !
Dans un prochain post, je vous parlerai des supporters anglais, des magasins typiques, de la bouffe typique,... avec photos à l'appui.
Sur ce, bonne semaine !